Leadership is more than about goals

Success is more than about acheiving our goals — but how our actions and decisions are carefully curated while considering the best interest of all.

Mithula S Haran
1 min readMay 31, 2024

A leader is one who inspires change and motivates action in pursuit of a common goal, thus leading to change which is hopefully beneficial to all.

Most of the times, more emphasis is placed on the goal rather than on the effect. In today’s times, achieving a goal is considered a priority— irregardless of the effects rippled out as an aftermath of our actions or decisions.

Goal or effect?

However, in the long-run, effects of our actions catch up — revealing the verdict of whether it was a good one or not. Thus, determining whether the person has demonstrated trustworthiness to act in the best interest of all concerned while achieving their goals.

Great leaders are remembered for their ability to act in the best interest of all.

